Simpro Optimisation

Are you using Simpro, but not to it’s full potential? You need a Simpro Deep Dive.

At Modus Operandi, we understand that using Simpro well is crucial for the success of your trades-based business.  The first step in getting the most out of your Simpro with us is a Deep Dive. This will identify:

  • What you are using well in Simpro
  • Features & functionality in Simpro that you are not using at all, or not using the best way for your business
  • Current processes that could be improved or automated using Simpro and other software integrations

We don’t just provide generic advice; instead, we take a holistic approach, examining your business and current processes.

Our deep dive review includes:

  • Analysing your current back end system setup in Simpro
  • Survey of staff to identify current pain points 
  • Assessing your existing business processes and workflows
  • Identifying pain points and areas for improvement

Following the Deep Dive, a report will be provided outlining the strengths and gaps as well as recommendations for changes to ensure you get the most from your Simpro software moving forward.

Recommendations can be implemented by yourself, or with the help of our consulting team. 

Now we know what’s wrong – how do we fix it?

We work with business’ to deliver the following post Deep Dive:

  • Customising Simpro’s back end setup to align with your business needs.
  • Streamlining processes to enhance efficiency and productivity.
  • Imports of data, creation of customised forms and reporting dashboards
  • Providing personalised education and training for your team to maximise software utilisation.
  • Producing Workflow and Procedure Documents as well as training videos on tasks to ensure your team has the right tools to reference moving forward (this also helps with training of new staff)

With our Simpro Optimisation works, you can rest assured that you’ll be getting the most out of your software investment, leading to increased profitability and streamlined operations.

How does it work?

Our clients all have individual needs when it comes to how much assistance they need from us. 

Optimisation Projects are recommended for clients that have a large list of recommendations they wish to implement, or larger teams to roll out changes to. This see’s Modus Operandi Consultants working with the client regularly over a number of weeks to ensure we support the client to make changes, roll them out to the team and support them post change to ensure we achieve the desired result.

For smaller items or regular assistance our Strategy & Training Sessions can be booked for a Full Day, Half Day or Hourly rates to ensure clients have access to our knowledgeable consultants as required.

Modus Operandi – we help your business get the most from your Simpro Software

What else can we do with Simpro?

Using Simpro’s form builder functionality we can build fully customised Quote, Job, Asset & Invoice forms. These professional looking forms match your company’s branding as well as ensuring you’re displaying your forms exactly the way you need it. Click here for examples and information.

Simpro BI Reporting gives you the ability to build custom reports. With the ability to ask questions, create dashboards and visualise data with graphs and charts, your business will have data like it never has before. Click here to see some examples of BI Reporting.

One of the most critical maintenance solutions we offer, is helping you to ensure your supplier pricelists are up-to-date and accurate. Inaccurate pricing can create wrongly quoted works and smaller margins. If you need your catalogue reviewed or updated contact us today.

eForms give you the ability to completely digitise your paper forms. Modus Operandi will work with you to redesign and or build your paper forms into eForms before rolling it out to your team.

To ensure your job costs and margins remain accurate, it is pivotal that the overhead costs are updated regularly. We generally recommend this is done every 3 – 6 months or when any significant changes happen internally (i.e. change in wages or overhead costs). We can help you populate and calculate your data to provide you with up to date overhead recovery rates.

If you’re new to Simpro or new to certain areas of functionality, it’s likely there is external data that you now need in Simpro. We’re here to help. From customers, suppliers and sites right through to customer assets, job history or plant & equipment, we can ensure Simpro is setup the way you need it.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

MO provided us with training and more efficient ways to utilise our software to produce more meaningful reporting. Kelly was amazing! She understood our questions, provided better solutions and was very patient. I can highly recommend her services and we will definitely be using MO again.

Access Solutions

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